
位置: 校友发展部门提供全职职位 & 大学发展办公室将于2024年10月21日成立. The working title 为 this assignment is 控制器 with the official title of 控制器.  This is a position classified as Limited, however is expected to continue. The expected hiring salary will be based on qualifications and experience.

最低学历: 会计学士学位, 金融, 或相关领域, 必须来自认可的机构. 10年以上会计工作经验, 包括控制器类经验, 并且需要有监管经验. The candidate must have strong communication skills with the ability to communicate effectively internally and with external stakeholders. 必须具备交际能力,与人相处融洽. 必须精通电脑,包括微软办公软件, 财务软件, 以及快速学习新软件的能力. 必须具备处理和维护保密信息的能力.

优先条件: 注册会计师优先,但不是必需的. Experience working 为 a non-profit is preferred, including experience with fund 会计. 有在基金会工作的经验, 以及Raisers Edge的软件经验, 金融优势, QuickBooks是加分项.



向总统报告, the 控制器 is responsible 为 developing and implementing fiscal management and reporting strategies throughout the organization. This broad position provides 领导 and 指导 to both the President and the board of directors in all areas of financial management, 会计, 财务报告, 审计, 纳税申报, 预算/预测准备, 内部控制.

这包括对投资组合表现的监督, 房地产业务的管理, maintaining and improving upon the operating per为mance of 澳门葡京网赌送彩金F and its related entities, 并作为外聘审计员的联络人, 编制税, 和基金会OCIO.

这个角色通过提供指导来支持澳门葡京网赌送彩金F的其他员工, 指导, and oversight necessary to ensure the Foundation has the appropriate strategies, 操作控制, 报告程序, 以及支持礼品处理的基础设施, 发展, 捐赠人的管理和认可, stakeholder relations and database needs while maintaining and ensuring financial strength and operational efficiency.

该职位有1- 3个直接下属. Following is a summary of responsibilities and the approximate time requirements:

25%管理: This position serves as the primary reviewer and approver of routine/semi-routine transactions. 监督应付账款的处理, 应收账款, 采购, 费用报销, assignment of 会计 codes and transaction validity and accuracy (auditing). 监控产权负担余额, 解决财务错误, 以及报告的生成和核对.
20%报告: 制定经营预算, 财务预测, 指示板, 财政健康和绩效指标, 税务申报, 以及所有其他财务报告. Generate reports required/requested both through collaboration with relevant staff 领导 and Foundation board committee/subcommittee groups. Provide and communicate 指示板 and metrics to assist in monitoring effectiveness of fundraising, 投资活动, 并制作可视化表示来记录随时间的进展.
20%财务报表及审计:执行月末, 季度结束, 年底结束, 制作每月的, 季度和年度财务报表, both on an unconsolidated and consolidated basis using Blackbaud (金融优势) software. Coordinate with the independent audit team and organizational personnel to ensure 审计 run smoothly, 是否及时完成, 任何问题都解决了.


基金会各机构, 包括Blugold房地产基金会, 它是组成实体(Haymarket), GTNT, 水圣.(Priory)和学生经营的组织Blugold Roast Coffee.

10%监督: Supervise direct reports including student intern in all day-to-day 会计 entries and operations. 这包括审查日记账条目, 监督任务的完成情况, 并在需要时提供指导. Provide instruction to the gift entry team and scholarship team when an 会计 perspective needed.

单位: 该基金会 是独立的, 为学术提供支持的免税非营利组织, 文化, facilities and athletics to continue the tradition of excellence at the University of Wisconsin ¿ 欧克莱尔 and to act as an advocate between the University and the broader community.

The unit consists of 27 colleagues focused on and committed to the proactive engagement of alumni and friends in supporting the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校. 这包括每年, 主要的, and planned giving programs to effectively generate private resources 为 the University's benefit. 工作人员包括在培育地区工作的发展官员, 征求, 管理大学的校友和朋友. The unit works on effectively communicating and engaging the more than 98,000多名校友和10多名校友,每年向威斯康星大学欧克莱尔基金会捐款的人. 欲了解更多信息,请访问:

This is a broad position that provides an excellent opportunity to join in supporting the mission! This role offers a great work environment that includes working hard but with a focus on work-life balance and an excellent benefits package that is equivalent to about 60% of an employee's base pay and includes medical, 牙科, 养老金, 假期, 病假和带薪假期.

This position is a great fit 为 someone with 10+ years of experience as well as someone with extensive experience who is about 10 years from retiring and is excited to support the mission.

大学和EAU CLAIRECOMMUNITY: UW-Eau克莱尔, 大约10人的机构,000名学生和1,200名教职员工, is consistently recognized as a top comprehensive university in the Midwest and is widely known as a leader in faculty-undergraduate research and study abroad. We strive 为 excellence in liberal education and select graduate and professional programs through commitment to teaching and learning and dedication to our core values of diversity, 可持续性, 领导, 和创新. 欧克莱尔市, 位于奇佩瓦河和欧克莱尔河的交汇处, 是否位于人口约100人的大都市中心,000人位于明尼阿波利斯/圣路易斯市以东90英里处. 保罗. 这个地区以美丽的公园和小径为特色, 优秀的公立学校, 充满活力的艺术场景和当地的饮食文化, 和丰富的娱乐机会.

申请程序:申请以电子方式提交. 请遵循以下威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校网站上的说明:工作-的帖子/ . 在申请之前,您必须创建一个帐户并登录.  如果你还没有注册, click on the "Click here to Register" link to begin the registration process. If you are already a registered user, input your "Username" and "Password" and select "Login.的链接 校友发展 & 大学发展办公室:主任 位置(工作ID # 21257) and then click the "马上申请" button to submit your application electronically.  Your application will not be considered complete until all required documents are attached, 所有必需的字段都已完成.  请确保您已包含以下PDF格式:

  • 申请信
  • 重新开始
  • 非正式研究生成绩单[如适用]
  • 三个推荐人的姓名和联系方式.

请直接向柯蒂斯·克里赞询问更多信息, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔基金会主席,

为确保获考虑,填妥的申请必须由 10/4/2024.  然而,筛选可能会继续,直到职位被填满. The university reserves the right to contact additional references with notice given to the candidates at an appropriate time in the process. 就业需要背景调查. Employment will also require you and your references to answer questions regarding past conduct related to sexual violence and sexual harassment.

The University of Wisconsin System will not reveal the identities of applicants who request confidentiality in writing, 除了成功候选人的身份将被公布. 看到威斯康星州. 统计. §. 19.36(7).

The UW-欧克莱尔 Police Department is dedicated to maintaining a safe and secure environment 为 learning and working. 虽然威斯康辛大学欧克莱尔分校的犯罪率很低, 大学警察需要学生, faculty and staff to be aware of crime on campus and the area surrounding the campus. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of 校园安全 Policy and 校园 Crime 统计istics Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose annual in为mation about campus crime.  浏览校园保安及消防报告( .  另请浏览校园保安局的政策(
